Inspirational and Spiritual
Jewelry & Accessories
to Energize and Empower




Manifesting Thought


Owner's Manual





Put the finishing touches on your project.

Expect it.  Allow it.  Receive it.

Expectation plays a big part in the manifesting process because it enables you to release your attachment to the object of your desire. In other words, you won’t be longing for it, obsessing over the fact that you don’t have it or trying to figure out how you will get it. You just have a deep inner knowing (faith in a Higher Power) that it will come about in the perfect way at the perfect time.

Manifesting Thought is simply a tool and you already have the skills required to use it. The Universe is not judging whether you are worthy, deserving or perfect enough to get what you want. You Just Are—As You Are. Allow yourself to believe that. Allow yourself to feel that.

Be grateful for what you already have and open your arms and your heart to receiving more. Gratitude is the key that unlocks your ability to receive. The more grateful you feel for what you have, the sooner you will receive more of what your heart desires.

Make it a habit to count your blessings on a daily basis. Every morning when you wake up and every night before you fall asleep, acknowledge that for which you are grateful. As you put your attention on the people, circumstances or things that you appreciate, really feel how happy and blessed you are to have them in your life.

Continue: Care and Maintenance

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